Blog Dedicated to Corruption/Mind Control Comics - ADULT ONLY !!!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The Fallen Star...Back in Business

A lot of fans were asking it for quite some time now...
So here it is, brand new, all hot and ready to serve its purpose: the H3N Comics Blog
which, I hope, will become a reference in terms of Corruption/Mind Control Comics !

So let me first welcome you and I hope you'll enjoy what's next...

To deny those rumors...No the Fallen Star is neither dead nor finished.
It's true that I had a little bit of blues and a loss of motivation after let's call it the lil Timmy's incident but I received a lot of support and sympathy from many people and it's thank to you that I'm here today writing these few lines.

So let's say I took a few weeks off to make some "research"...
You know like those mangakas who takes 2 weeks of holiday and justify this by some research for their series ^^

This is thus for a better, and after these fews weeks spent away from you, I can already tell you that chapter 6 should shows up in a few (read many) weeks ^O^

I will try to update the blog as often as possible and will post a teaser in regards with the coming chapter, every 25% rendered in order to keep you in suspense till the final release

I can already tell you that the first teaser will be an interview with a special guest from the 6th chapter !


  1. Congratulations!

    Hey, I'm the first one to put a comment here!

    and one question Shinra, what it FT Project ? is it

    the Gangnam Dance comic that you promised? ^_^ (-run away-)

    Btw congrats once again, can't wait to see lots of spoiler / great pics on this blog site!

    See ya!

  2. It would not have been the same if you were not the first one to post

    Nah not the gangnam dance...
    It's a project I'm doing with Redi but quite at a early stage for the moment and it reminds me I should talk to him, it has been a long time ^^

    And damn I was right...G9 Games ! Tell me more !

  3. welcome back shinra I am a massive fan of your work a I'm happy to know you are back in business, however sorry to be a drag but is there any chance you could change the background of the site, not sure if its just me but its pretty hard to read the text of the blog with that background <3. Once again welcome back

    1. Eh eh thanks for noticing me ;-)
      Is this one better ?

      I really suxxx at design and graphics stuff so should you have any improvement idea for the blog...
      feel free to share ^^

    2. that background is 10000 times better thanks a ton for changing it. I don't normally care about how site looks but a blog should still be read able :D

      thanks a ton again

  4. Well, the most important touch of this blog has been taken care of:
    It says "ADULT ONLY"! Brilliant! >_<

  5. welcome back shinra

  6. so happy to see you back! cant wait for the first teaser)

    1. when I will have rendered 25% of the chap... it's 22% right now so shouldn't be long before 1st teaser comes out ^^

  7. Glad to see your back and still working away.

    Eagerly await the next parts of your works

  8. Cannot wait. The web page looks awesome as well. Love the color tone!

  9. The Fallen Star Ch. VI : Interview with Miss-T

    how long we should wait some time to see this beautiful work . i can not wait
