The Fallen Star

Chapter IX: Liber Genesis

Yoru No Majin - Scroll 2

Night of the Red Moon


Thrall of the Mask

A new Goddess is born...

The Queen of the Underworld!

Blog Dedicated to Corruption/Mind Control Comics - ADULT ONLY !!!

Monday, 30 November 2015

TFS:9 - 40% Update and other treats


I guess leaving you wither, waiting for the next update, was too heartbreaking ^^
I usually try to come back to you every time I have something interesting to show you, and that's why I'm here today.

For those who remember, a couple of month ago I bought a brand new machine in order to up the quality of my pictures, and hopefully make the rendering a bit faster, all of that thanks to the
new 3D engine that goes with it.
I've also promised you that I would not use this new engine on the first part of the Fallen Star, as this new technology was requiring me to learn lighting, shading and texturing from scratch, and that would most likely cause even greater delay rendering TFS...

But you know, boy and their... It was itching me to at least play a little bit with my new toy ^^
So I've chosen some lab rats for my experiments and decided to rework Smashaaaa!
Remember the She-Hulk-like superhero from Legion. Green skin (actually all unnatural skin color) are quite hard to render and make it look like realistic. So if I could make this one right, I knew I could quickly improve my skills. I gave it a try and... let me introduce you the brand new Smasha!
Check the old version against the new one and let me know what you think. As far as I'm concerned, I love it!

I was really excited by the results, and started thinking "that looks good but... it's only a character on its own... I wonder what it would look like in a real scene!"
And if I had to start rendering some scene, better not waste time on random pics but rather invest this time in one of my other projects...
Legion 2's script not being ready, I needed another guinea pigs...
And what else was ready to roll... HC chapter 3!
So here's a sneak peek at the very first few pics of Harriet Cooper Chapter 3 in Full HD res and entirely made with my new machine! Look at the wood fire lights, the texture of the coach,...
What... You're only here for boobs and dicks?! Ah.. Ah... Sorry...
Just imagine Penny and Gellina naked then ;P


Then, as promised, I went back to The Fallen Star, putting my new rig aside T_T
and it looked like this...



Since the release of the second chapter of HC, I was quite frustrated with the quality of my pics, not being able to go further and make them look even better. But then the summum of frustration hit me when I had to go back producing pictures as here above >_<
All of that when I just had experience Magic!
So I've said "screw my promises and let's start producing some real 3D here"
And the Magic happened again... There were sparkles in my eyes, blinded by realistic looking...boobs! Who asked for boobs?!

 Let's hope you'll appreciate the quality as much as the quantity, and that these few pics will help you wait till the release.

PS: Bad news the new machine spits good looking pics, but does not do it faster >_<
It's definitely faster with the old 3Delight engine, but still takes between 20 to 60 minutes with the new engine. I'm already quite happy it does not take 1-2h as a few persons were telling me \o_o/

Christmas Update ---------------------------------