The Fallen Star

Chapter IX: Liber Genesis

Yoru No Majin - Scroll 2

Night of the Red Moon


Thrall of the Mask

A new Goddess is born...

The Queen of the Underworld!

Blog Dedicated to Corruption/Mind Control Comics - ADULT ONLY !!!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Harriet Cooper Ch2... Last Update before realease!

This update is coming a bit later than what was originally planned, but I guess it's better late than never hum hum ^^

There's unfortunately always something getting in the way, and it's not always easy to cope with everything at the same time. Sorry for that...

But let's get back to business with this 75% update, the last one before final release.
The chapter is now up to 112 HD pages, and should count more or less 140-150 pages in total.

Hope you'll enjoy those few pics...