The Fallen Star

Chapter IX: Liber Genesis

Yoru No Majin - Scroll 2

Night of the Red Moon


Thrall of the Mask

A new Goddess is born...

The Queen of the Underworld!

Blog Dedicated to Corruption/Mind Control Comics - ADULT ONLY !!!

Monday, 28 July 2014

TFS:8 - 90% The Last One!

Finally, here we are, We've never been that close from the end ^^
The last update before the final release.

The post itself's gonna be short, as I'm falling asleep in front of my computer -_-
It's because it's you, that I'm staying that late to upload those few pics, as always, hoping you'll like them.

With this update, I can definitely tell you that the entire chapter will go over 500 pages, as I'm actually up to page 501 :-p
172 scenes have already been rendered, only 17 left...

I've started working on the last Big scene of this chapter, posing the bricks of the next one.
And believe me, I didn't know to what I would be confronted, when I wrote this 8th chapter.
Consequently, Chapter 9 is already promised to be a hell of challenge to produce >_<

Enjoy the update (as this will be the last one)

Friday, 11 July 2014

G9 Wiki

Hi Guys,

After a few days spent in China for work, I'm back in business...

Although it's not yet time for the last update before the final release, I'm here today to introduce you with a great concept created a few weeks ago on G9 comics by fans for the fans.

They had the genius idea of creating a wiki for each and every character of Shadow ranger, Gaia Ranger and SR0. Where the mad idea is, it's that the fan are responsible to write the "technical" card for their favourite character, which then get published by G9  and MpGrey.

As we are all big fans of those series, and as we don't wanna leave any character behind, we need you guys to help us complete this great Wiki. It's easy, Go on G9 Wiki, Pick one character who has not been done yet, let other people know that you're gonna work on this character, check the structure on how to write your "card" and here you go.

I believe this is a great idea to push the boundaries of those comics beyond the status of simple comic. It gives them another dimension, making them more alive.

So if you ever want to contribute to this big project, do not hesitate!